Why not check out where it all began with this standard-setting portable vaporizer? With a butane-gas power source, the IOLITE Original V2 Vaporizer is light to carry and is specifically designed to give you a lighter vaporizing experience. This will truly put you on the path to smokeless freedom, meaning you can vape when and where you want. We’re delighted to offer you this vibrant-orange model..
the Iolite Portable Vaporizer requires absolutely no flame, cords, wires or batteries. It allows you to vaporize anytime and anywhere in less than 45 seconds. By utilizing butane instead of flame or batteries, it's like nothing else currently on the market. This small and lightweight unit is discreet enough to be used nearly anywhere without bringing attention to yourself. The patented flameless butane catalytic heater with precision bi-metal thermostat ensures that your aromatherapy blends are heated to the perfect vaporizing temperature. The Iolite Vaporizer has enough room to hold 500mg of butane gas, which lasts for approximately 30 minutes of continuous vaporizing.